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Re: Specific Titles

_____/ On Thursday 25 August 2005 18:14, [John Bokma] wrote : \_____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> ===========
>> Example #2: (too specific, not specific)
>> Bad title for PR5 site: Appearance Models and Applications in Medical
>> Imaging Registration
>> better title: Appearance Models Applications
> Bad example :-). The former can actually be the better one.

Well, it depends on the subject in question. The matter of fact is that the
medical applications have a narrow scope and appearance models in general
are not widely discussed. I was thinking about something very specific

My supervisor would say that titles are extremely important when writing a
paper because they determine whether the reader will just skimp or actually
go to the next level which is the abstract. I know that long titles are
tiring and are specific enough to make you realise that they are not
necessarily applicable to you. Overstatements and generalisations help.


Roy S. Schestowitz        "On the eighth day, God created UNIX"

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