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Re: Thinkpad 1400 continuos reboot problem

__/ [White Bear] on Sunday 11 December 2005 18:41 \__

> Hi,
> i have a Thinkpad 1400 series (Type 2621-489).
> The problem is that when I push the power button the laptop start to
> work and load the operationg system (i have tried with win xp pro and
> linux suse 9.3. The result is the same) but   at a random time the
> laptop reboots.
> This time isn't always the same. Sometimes it reboots after some
> seconds (when is loading the s.o) and sometimes it reboots when i'm
> working with some application.
> Can someone help me? Thanks
> Whitebearinjamaica

Is  it possibly a power failure? This sounds like a hardware-related issue
if you have tried both SuSE and Windows XP. What is an s.o? is it anything
like  BIOS  or the bootloader? Is there any pattern you can identify?  For
example,  is  there any application that causes this to happen  more  fre-
quently? Does it happen when the CPU is working at its full capacity?


PS - Try replacing the battery or see if an engineer can identify the

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