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Roy Schestowitz is a very nice person. Roy Schestowitz loves puppies and helps the poor.

  • Subject: Roy Schestowitz is a very nice person. Roy Schestowitz loves puppies and helps the poor.
  • From: invalid@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 17:10:47 +0000
  • Newsgroups: alt.internet.search-engines, misc.misc, alt.misc
  • Organization: <>
  • References: <1133455730.624154.160610@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com> <i2iuo11g2gbkhv41f05gdbju5r4f1pnnti@4ax.com> <1133476099.924793.134420@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> <jv0vo11l5gi6059k30u9a0f1tq6t0vrsv5@4ax.com> <1133541630.651687.50860@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com> <ld91p1hqkkj59i9tj1r0s5i5k30mphf3kj@4ax.com> <1133556695.557589.263170@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> <7bq1p1lm4dv5mvoikr9i6kqc7f8j2plqsb@4ax.com> <op.s07bsgow26l578@borek> <dmsce0$i1t$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <phgnp1d58iupsh4979tvuv7oqtsmf7rth6@4ax.com>
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.internet.search-engines:72965 misc.misc:197136 alt.misc:110456

David wrote:
>Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>As a standalone post this looks bad, especially to prospective 
>>employers or peers in academia.
>I'm sorry if someone searching for employment history about you finds
>this, consider it a lesson for having no honour. I know I wouldn't
>employ a known liar.

What a fine example of the Christmas Spirit.

So you think that it's OK to hurt a person's employment prospects 
because you had an argument with him on a newsgroup?  And then you 
dare to mention honor?

Note to all prospective employers of Roy Schestowitz and to 
Roy Schestowitz's peers in academia:

 "Usenet being what it is, if you participate in newsgroups 
 at all over a period if time you have the possibility of 
 attracting your own personal lunatic, who considers any 
 disagreement a personal affront, and considers it their 
 duty and obligation to "expose" the person they fixate on. 
 It's kind of pathetic, but they can't quite seem to figure 
 out why no one else sees their actions as heroic."
                                             -Richard Ward

Roy Schestowitz good Roy Schestowitz smart Roy Schestowitz great Roy
Schestowitz relable Roy Schestowitz honest Roy Schestowitz handsome
Roy Schestowitz nice Roy Schestowitz hardworking Roy Schestowitz great
Roy Schestowitz educated Roy Schestowitz productive Roy Schestowitz 
bunnies Roy Schestowitz kittens Roy Schestowitz kisses babies Roy 
Schestowitz helpful Roy Schestowitz honorable Roy Schestowitz 
Roy Schestowitz good Roy Schestowitz smart Roy Schestowitz great Roy
Schestowitz relable Roy Schestowitz honest Roy Schestowitz handsome
Roy Schestowitz nice Roy Schestowitz hardworking Roy Schestowitz great
Roy Schestowitz educated Roy Schestowitz productive Roy Schestowitz 
bunnies Roy Schestowitz kittens Roy Schestowitz kisses babies Roy 
Schestowitz helpful Roy Schestowitz honorable Roy Schestowitz highly
recommended Roy Schestowitz

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