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Re: Strip all but URL's from Web Pages [was: ping John, OT]

__/ [Borek] on Monday 19 December 2005 22:01 \__

> Not the best place to ask, but what the &*7f^&*@#^
> I have wgetted from google answer for some query, saved
> it in the "ganswer" file.
> I am looking for some cute oneliner to cut out all links
> and copy them to separate file - one line, one link.
> I suppose it can be easily done in perl, but perl is
> a terra incognita for me :(
> Best,
> Borek

I'd be /very/ interested in an answer/solution to that too, John. I need to
generate files that contain newline-separated URL's rather than copy and
paste from Web pages. The closest I could ever get to minimal manual labour

less search.html  | grep http://

I need files which contain URL's to feed on:


Lots of freely-distributed music on the Net, so could make fetching more



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