On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 17:58:41 +0100, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:
> Ignoramus31199 wrote:
>> Since my feeds seem to work, I will publish the page containing them:
>> http://www.algebra.com/rss/
>> The most active ones and "new UNsolved problems" and "New Solved
>> problems". Let me know if you think that I violated some important RSS
>> rules.
>> i
> Don't check their validity manually. Check using a feeds validator. Some
> feeds clients (/readers) will display a warning whenever a feed which gets
> displayed is invalid. So, you definitely want to avoid that embarrassment.
> http://feedvalidator.org/
Thanks. I cannot grok what it is saying:
line 25, column 0: Undefined channel element: taxo:topics [help]
it refers to this line: