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Re: MSN and Yahoo for Non-technical?

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote in message 
> www.1-script.com wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> In my main domain, I have never received many referrals from MSN or
>>> Yahoo. I
>>> have never had an explanation, but did not seem to care much either.
>>> Are
>>> there any well-known reasons why this may be? Google currently has ~100
>>> times the amount of referrals from Yahoo and ~500 times the amount of
>>> referrals from MSN. Google cannot be /that/ popular, can it? Judging by
>>> 2
>>> other domains of mine, it is not by /that/ far ahead either.
>>> Any advice please? I am probably doing something wrong, strategically
>>> at
>>> least.
>> Same results here:
>> Google: 94.2% of search engine traffic
>> Yahoo: 1.2%
>> MSN: 0.6%
>> AskJeeves: 0.6%
>> SERPs on major keywords are much better in MSN and Yahoo than on Google
>> (some come up like #1 in MSN, YAHOO and #9 on Google), and still Google
>> dominates the traffic.
> Roy

This is interesting...it relates to something I've been wondering about, too 
~ my new website is doing well in MSN & much less so in Google ~

My main website has been up since May 2000, Google has always driven the 
most traffic to the site, by far with MSN trailing way behind. It's a very 
large, popular & well-established site with over 1000 backlinks. It doubles 
as an informational site & a business site (in about equal measures).
Google 54%
Google (Images) 28 %
Yahoo 8%
MSN 4 %

This pattern is typical of other websites I've created as well.

But my newest website - a business site - has been online just since the end 
of April 2005 & quickly got high rankings on MSN (like #1 for my primary 
keywords within a week). I was amazed.

The rankings are much, much lower on Google. I opened an Adwords account to 
try to compensate, and that's helped some ~ i't's the only reason I am 
getting as much as 41% from Google.

MSN  45%
Google 41
Yahoo 11
Ask Jeeves 3

The site is pretty well optimized, and has links from a number of related 
websites & directories but why I should do so much better on MSN I just 
don't know. Wish I knew what was going on. By the way, neither site is 
technical (they focus on literature / art and guitar gear, respectively).


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