Bungee wrote:
> Ian Bell <ruffrecords@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> ac wrote:
>> > I have just noticed that Dabs are selling a mandrake 9.2 box for 140 uk
>> > pounds ext vat (no monitor). Very basic spec, but useful if it gets a
>> > bit of publicity. It is th efrst time I hav eseen thenm sell a linux pc
>> > - is it a first for them?
>> > www.dabs.co.uk
>> > quicklinx 3QV3WS
>> >
>> Interesting.Mandrake 9.2 is a bit old but that is easily remedied. I
>> guess the question is, that since the OS is free, is the hardware worth
>> £140? Box, PSU, 2.66 Celeron, 256 RAM, 40G 7200rpm HD, 52X CDROM,
>> integrated audio/video/LAN, ser/par/game ports, 6xUSB, keyboard, mouse
>> and speakers. Probably about right.
>> Ian
> Looks quite interesting. I wonder how quietly it runs and what the box
> dimensions are. Any guesses?
I think I'm in love.
This is not unprecedented though. They sell complete computers for just $299
(around the same price as Dabs), but I think only India is included.
When the hardware costs equate to that of the O/S, the trends will
definitely change.