William Tasso wrote:
> Writing in news:alt.www.webmaster
> From the safety of the schestowitz.com / Manchester University cafeteria
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> said:
>> Mark Parnell wrote:
>>> RedirectPermanent /incorrect /Correct
>> I thought about it many times, but there are too many pages involved. I
>> can't think of an easy way of automating this either. Addition by
>> scripting
>> would lead to explosive .htaccess growth.
> Have you considerd a custom 404 script?
> Could contain some rule based logic to send a 301 to the correct page
> perhaps.
You mentioned this throughout a different scenario I had on the 23rd of the
>>> This may be a redundant or an easy question, but if a user enter a
>>> site and gets a customised 404 page, do packages like Analyse,
>>> Webalizer and AWStats count that as a "visit"? A "hit"? How are such
>>> requests for 404.shtml being treated?
[William Tasso]
> AWStats appears to count 404s separately.
Thanks. I was going to search the Perl script, but now you have provided me
with the answer.
I had a wave of 404's (bad inbound link) which made things hard to
interpret. I made the 404 a redirection for a couple of days (Apache
re-directs wouldn't work because the link contained '<br />'), but couldn't
avoid the status reported.
I suppose I could write a rule to take a URL which contains some uppercase
characters and convert it all to lowercase. This could be done quite
efficiently and with little code involved. /However/, there is no (simple)
way of knowing how to convert a pure-lowercase URL into a combination of
uppercase and lowercase character URL, which is what I need in this
particular case. It would be as laborious as rebuilding the whole site and
slowly migrating the links... looking at an entire day of work. *sigh*