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Re: Referrers in Log File

Brian Cryer wrote:

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote in message
> dcapl8$3f5$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk">news:dcapl8$3f5$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk...
>>> It would be worth rechecking you logs to be sure about where your bad
>>> referrals are coming from.
>> I keep doing it. Often the IP address cannot be interpreted using reverse
>> DNS lookup. I once spotted Lynx as the user agent, but in general
>> investigating each individual error like this is relatively
>> time-consuming (~2 minutes) process and you need a decent sample size to
>> come up with conclusions.
>> Roy
> Do your logs include the referring page? Its the referring page (if you
> have it) rather than IP which to me would be of more interest - because
> then you could track back to the page rather than just the ip of the user.

The last time I checked, there was apparently no referrer information, but
perhaps I wasn't carefully enough to spot it.

I have just tried to open the monthly log file in order to provide you with
an answer. Little did I realise it was around 110 MB so the RAM and text
editor could not handle it (last time I looked at such logs was last year
when they were much, much smaller). Looking at my daily log file, I can't
pull out enough information. This has become really frustrating... *sign*
why did I not stick to lowercase from day one?


Roy S. Schestowitz

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