Steven (remove wax and invalid for reply) wrote:
> WhoTurnedOffTheLights wrote:
>> I'm curious as to how often IF AT ALL might these satellite images get
>> updated? I'd venture to guess what with national security being such a
>> big issue, that we'd always be getting a very old feed?
> A few months ago I was sending some of my friends the satellite pictures
> of their neighborhoods. Not only was the Google satellite picture out
> of date, but the map didn't even have their street yet. At least in
> these neighborhoods (west side of Houston, Texas), Google Maps is months
> or maybe even years behind Yahoo maps (which are not perfect either but
> I haven't found an error in a while).
I browsed these satellite images as early as 2000 using TerraServer, which I
think is Microsoft's acquisition now. In fact, all of these mapping
packages could have been implemented back in 1998. Regarding data like
street names and maps, it's just a question of which data vendor you take
over. I'm sure it will improve over time as demand and interest rise.
Roy S. Schestowitz