Notan wrote:
> wrote:
>> Call me crazy but I need "tools" to better help me
>> manage my life and achieve goals. I'm so dang busy
>> anymore and its only gonna get worse when school
>> (college) starts. I need to work "smarter" and not
>> harder.
>> I need help. I need something to "leverage" me. Maybe
>> a clone of myself?
>> Anyway....ever feel like that?
>> If yes does there actually exist software or services I
>> can buy to help!
>> I need some kind of super duper even manager, contact
>> list, relationship builder, blah, blah, blah.
>> Serious.... anything like that out there?
> What *are* you talking about?
Notan, the guy starts college soon so let's not be critical. *smile*
It is not difficult understand the message which the OP was trying to get
across, but the description was too -- shall we say -- 'fluffy'.
OP, have you looked into any PDA's yet? If not, I advise you to get a
demonstration at a local shop and get a feel for how it can help you. My
Palm definitely helped me enormously as a student. It was not a "clone of
myself" as you called it, though it was like a secretary in my pocket,
which allowed me to manage many things at once and keep my mind open and
focused on what really mattered.
There are no super-super event managers, but there are better and worse
ones. Get a feel by browsing/querying the Web for related topics or by
getting hands-on experience at a shop.
Hope it helps,
Roy S. Schestowitz