Travis Newbury wrote:
> me-ron wrote:
> > How can I hide my code so people can't view my source
> To do this you have to use an undocumented feature of the header tag in
> HTML. The syntax is:
> <head hidecode="[true|false|script|tag_name]">
To the OP: please ignore this cargo-cult nonsense. This is a poor
alternative to the proper solution, which is to configure your server to
send the appropriate HTTP headers: content-visibility in this case. It
uses the same values -- with the same effect -- as the hidecode
attribute. However, the hidecode attribute was deprecated in HTML 2, and
eventually browsers will stop supporting it (a few user agents --
Googlebot and Firefox in particular -- don't support it now). However,
the HTTP header will be with us forever.
Keep up the great work!
> true = all source is hidden
> false (the default) = no source is hidden
> script = just the script tags are hidden. (This is the most used
> feature because it only hides your Javascript or VB script)
> tag_name = you can choose a tag that you want hidden, like the object tag.
> Most of the time you will just want to use true. By default it is set
> to false (obviously or we would not be able to see any source code when
> we view source.
> Enjoy!