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Re: Windows 98 Safe Mode

John of Aix wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> John of Aix wrote:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> I have a relatively antiquated laptop (Compaq Presario 1246), which
>>>> I use primarily for storage. Until some time ago, I thought I was
>>>> the only one who occasionally needed to go to safe mode, shut down
>>>> the machine without any changes made and then re-boot. I had to do
>>>> this every time the machine froze during start-up. This has been
>>>> going on for about 3 years and I now found out that it may be a
>>>> common Windows 98 bug. Does anybody know how to get around this
>>>> problem? Any links that can help in solving it?
>>> It happens but it isn't common and if your Windows doesn't boot
>>> properly there must be something wrong with the installation
>>> somewhere. have you tried reinstalling Windows on itself (you won't
>>> lose anything) which will put back any missing or damaged
>> My hard-drive 'died' about 5 months ago and I replaced it with a new
>> one. I then restored everything from the QuickRestore CD and I still
>> have the same problem.
> Oh yes, Quick Restore. I'll say no more other than it is the thing that
> most put me off Compaq. A straight Windows 98 non Compaq would be
> better. I've put one on a Presario and it was fine, I think I had a
> little difficulty finding the modem driver that was all.
>> I thought that the Compaq images or my programs were to blame, but I
>> then saw another (Toshiba) laptop with Windows 98 which had similar
>> symptoms. I still have no idea what changes when entering Safe Mode.
>> It somehow fixes it.
> Well fail-safe mode only loads what is strictly necessary for Windows to
> function so it manages to get to the interface even if, otherwise, there
> are all sorts of things missing and so all sorts of errors and/or
> blockages. As far as I know, like all modes, it writes to the registry
> when shut down so I suppose that it is what allows you to start next
> time, the offending entry or entries having been corrected or removed.
> Then, once you start using Windows normally after an OK reboot (it might
> be just opening Notepad or something you don't see on the surface)
> something else is written, again and you are back to square one. Have
> you tried running one or several good registry cleaners?

No, I never did. I lost hope and decided to just let the machine boot itself
twice while I do something else. I am no longer a Windows user; I dread
these bootstrap failures which I find unacceptable. The whole registry
system is a complete disaster, especially because it gets bloated. The O/S
soon makes poor use of the machine's available resources, even in XP. How
can anyone defend that?

Thank you for your time and your advice.

Roy Schestowitz

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