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A Bitter Linux User in a World Dominated by an Inferior O/S

I have yet another reason to hate Windows with /passion/. My Linux server
has come under heavy attacks by Windows machine that had been hijacked and
it's putting my Web host in jeopardy. Motive? Referrer spam that comes with
the visits en masse.

I am unable to work. All I do is merely investigate my Apache options for
filtering and looking at logs. It's 5 AM over here and I am struggling for
survival as Windows zombies continue to hammer me. To anyone who says that
Windows is not harmful to the world, use /that/ to argue for the contrary.

Had there been no stickin', rusty Windows, I'd be able to do some real work.
I can think of many other moves and strategies at Microsoft that encouraged
spam in the past decade or two. Hate spam? Blame Microsoft.


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