On Thu, 13 Oct 2005 13:23:25 +0200, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
toolbars are not only keeping track of traffic, but also retain URL's of
pages that you visit and /use/ them, i.e. visit them and maybe crawling
That's nothing new, I believe I have read reports of unlinked and
otherwise invisible pages indexed by Google once they were visited
with IE with G toolbar installed. Not that it is unexpected - once
the url is sent to G for PR check it is already there, why not add
it to the urls to be spidered? Someone visited the site, perhaps
it is worth something ;)
http://www.chembuddy.com - chemical calculators for labs and education
BATE - program for pH calculations
CASC - Concentration and Solution Calculator
pH lectures - guide to hand pH calculation with examples