__/ [Laurent Bugnion] on Monday 29 August 2005 12:22 \__
> Hi group,
> I just came back from 2 weeks holidays in Crete (excellent place, BTW),
> and thought I would report. I took my LD with me, and my Clié NR70V as a
> backup, though I didn't need to use it at all. The LD performed very well.
> I took with me:
> - Palm universal keyboard
> - Charger
Same here. Always. In fact, travel seem to be the only circumstance where
the keyboard gets used. I have had that same Universal Keyboard for over 2
years. For some reason I though the LifeDrive had a USB connection and no
support for the Universal Connector...
> I used the LD for:
> <large list>
Clearly you also used your LifeDrive to compile this list... *smile*
> I didn't use the LD to listen to MP3s or to watch videos, because I also
> took my Archos AV420 with me.
> All in all, the LD performed splendidly. For power reasons, I used the
> excellent brightnessFix2 to reduce the screen brightness (the minimum is
> much too high for me), so that in the end of the typical day, I still
> had around 50% power available.
Consider a battery extender. I once looked into it, but gave up the idea. It
would have gotten used only a few times a year so it was not worth the
> ... more interesting stuff snipped ...
> So, I hope that this report is useful to other travellers. I loved to
> have my LD with me during this trip. It worked excellently, and together
> with the keyboard, works better than a laptop for a leisure trip (and
> probably for most business trips too ;-)
Definitely. In fact, when I bought a new computer on Friday I made the bold
decision to stick with a desktop and not a laptop (had one since 1999). My
Palm simply makes the laptop far less necessary.
> Greetings,
> Laurent
Thanks for sharing. It is interesting to see how others take advantage of
mobile computing while away. Just remember that vacations are supposed to
/avoid/ us messing about with technology.
Roy S. Schestowitz | "Mod me up and I'll cherish you"
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