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Re: Help: Need a good newsreader for Linux

__/ [MartaP] on Thursday 01 September 2005 16:18 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in
> news:df75t1$spg$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>> __/ [Brian] on Thursday 01 September 2005 15:56 \__
>>> On Thu, 01 Sep 2005 14:31:41 +0000, MartaP wrote:
>>>> I'm starting with suse 9.1 and i need a good free newsreader
>>>> capable of handling multipart posts (multimedia) and yEnc.
>>> Interesting timing.
>>> See: <_YGdnSon1_41foveRVnyvw@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> Or look a little further into the past here for "What are you people
>>> using to download multipart binaries?"
>> I hear that Pan is the right tool for the job. I use KNode, but it
>> does not appear to handle binaries too well, if at all. Had I been
>> given more flexibility, I would have made the switch to Pan. In fact,
>> I think that I recommended Pan to somebody this morning (I can't
>> remember for sure, honestly). This conclusion was reached as part of a
>> discussion. The problem must have been very similar to yours. It was
>> in a differnet NG, so tell me if you want to track down that thread.
>> Roy
> I found a similar thread in this NG. Pan is recommended there also
> Thanks :)
> MP

You might also find the following large thread useful:


Above is just a starting point. I truly hope it helps you make a selection
that you are satisfied with over the long term. Don't make hasty decision
as I have.

All the best,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Avoid missing ball for higher score"
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux    |     PGP-Key: 74572E8E
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