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Re: problems with installation of 4.2.1 (Mac)

__/ [Sandy Foster] on Thursday 01 September 2005 20:46 \__

> I downloaded and attempted to install the new desktop on my iBook (OS X
> 10.3.9) -- it wouldn't install. To make a long story short (and leaving
> out lots of waiting while Palm techies emailed me, I emailed them,
> waited some more...), I ended up updating my copy of Stuffit Expander,
> creating a Root User account and installing from there. Fine. Now I can
> once again open my Palm Desktop. But I can't hot sync!
> When I try, there is a connection made to my Mac, but then I get a
> dialog box saying, "You do not have the necessary privileges. See the
> administrator for assistance. [-5000]". I've done a Get Info on the Palm
> Desktop, the Conduit Manager, and the Hot Sync Manager and changed them
> all from system to me with read/write privileges; but I still can't get
> anywhere. I get the same message time after time.
> Can anyone suggest something while I'm waiting for the Palm techies to
> get back to me sometime in the next 12 hours? Thanks!

Go to your Palm Desktop directory and apply some recursive modification of
privileges. I would use the command-line for that, which you should be able
to use in Tiger (might need some 'digging' though).

My favourite link to the 'chmod' (change permissions) manual pages is this:


I propose that you open a terminal/console (terminilogy varies) and then
navigate to you Palm Desktop directory, e.g.:

=== code ===

cd PalmDesktop

chmod a+w -R

  % Which means that you grant writing permissions to the files recursively.

=== /code ===

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "No, I didn't buy that from eBay"
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