__/ [Malke] on Friday 02 September 2005 12:49 \__
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [graham] on Friday 02 September 2005 09:42 \__
>>> On Fri, 02 Sep 2005 06:21:25 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> __/ [John Bailo] on Thursday 01 September 2005 21:47 \__
>>>>> I got to Desktop, pick Download wallpapers.
>>>>> I download it, it has a check box.
>>>>> But how do I actually /make/ it my wallpaper...it doesn't show in
>>>>> the dropdown list???
>>>> If you are using KDE as your window manager, have your mouse pointer
>>>> hover over some empty space in the Desktop, right-click it
>>>> (right-handed mouse assumed), select "Configure Desktop", Background
>>>> along the left-hand side, select the horizontal tab called
>>>> "Wallpaper", then "Browse..." along the bottom. Select the wallpaper
>>>> from the location where it was saved. It will often be
>>>> /home/YOUR_USERNAME/ by default. If you are not sure what this
>>>> location actually is, have a look at the application (browser?) that
>>>> you used for downloading the wallpaper image.
>>>> Hope it helps,
>>>> Roy
>>> 'Download Wallpapers' usually go in ~/.kde/share/wallpapers/
>>> I would have expected it to appear in the drop down list as mine did.
>> I usually just save them without an explicit notion of download or get
>> them from kde-look.org (or gnome-look.org), in which case the images
>> are just images, sometimes compressed.
>> Maybe I am just way behind as far as simplifications are concerned...
> I have lots of wallpapers and keep them in their own folder. Using KDE,
> all you have to do is drag an image file to the desktop and choose "Set
> As Wallpaper". Very easy.
> Malke
True. Now that you mentioned it, I noticed that many times before.
I have always preferred to put all my wallpapers somewhere safe in a
cohesive manner. I wouldn't trust an opaque process, which may or may not
add files to ./kde, whose structure I am not very familiar with. I
sometimes may need to use a wallpaper for a purpose other than
accommodating the Desktop. Then, I at least have a meaningful location (to
me), namely ~/Main/Misc/Media/Graphics/Wallpapers/...
Roy S. Schestowitz | "Lions are like hippie tigers"
http://Schestowitz.com | SuSE Linux | PGP-Key: 74572E8E
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