__/ [Lenard] on Saturday 03 September 2005 15:24 \__
> Terry E. Dwyer wrote:
>> I am using MOZILLA with THUNDERBIRD in Fedora-C2;URL's in
>> Thunderbird
>> are not picked up.
>> It just shows the http://URL at the bottom of the screen;I suspect
>> it's looking for FIREFOX but there must
>> be a small change possible in a profile or config file to fix this;any
>> ideas ?
> Linking Firefox and Thunderbird to each other for (Gnome, KDE or
> whichever);
> Either edit the ~./mozilla/firefox/<random8characters>.default/prefs.js
> file or start mozilla and type 'about:config' without the quotes in the
> URL window and add (or maybe toggle);
> user_pref("network.protocol-handler.expose.mailto", true);
> user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.mailto",
> "/path/to/thunderbird-<version>/thunderbird");
> The above line is one long line with a space after the comma.
> Use the locate command to help you find the thunderbird-<version> path,
> example;
> $ locate thunderbird-bin
> /usr/lib/thunderbird-1.0.6/thunderbird-bin
> user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.mailto",
> "/usr/lib/thunderbird-1.0.6/thunderbird");
For some reason, I was advised to call a script rather than e.g.
Just in case the above solution poses problems, here is the script:
(remember to modify MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME)
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="$HOME/Main/Programs/thunderbird"
if [ "x$url" = "x" ]; then
exit 0
url=`echo $url|sed 's/^mailto://'`
if $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/thunderbird -remote "mailto($url)"; then
exit 0
exec $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/thunderbird "$url"
> The above is one long line with a space after the comma.
> Edit the ~./thunderbird/<random8characters>.default/prefs.js
> file and add;
> user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.ftp", "firefox");
> user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "firefox");
> user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.https", "firefox");
I believe that by default, Thunderbird attempts to use KDE's (being overly
specific here) primary browser, as specified among the filetypes perhaps.
The above is sure to work too and is a solution I have not come across