On Fri, 23 Sep 2005 15:25:10 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ac] on Friday 23 September 2005 07:12 \__
>> About time too I must say
> http://www.pcw.co.uk/personal-computer-world/news/2142630/dell-gives-media-center-linux
>> '......as Dell plans to sell OS-free PCs as well. With Linux becoming
>> more popular, the company recognises there is a sizeable niche market
>> that wants to choose which operating system to use.
>> Adam Griffin, Dimension product marketing manager, made it clear that
>> Dell has no plans to sell PCs running Linux, but believed the move
>> would attract customers who want to install it themselves, and so save
>> money by not paying for Windows XP.
>> He expected OS-free machines to be available late this year in the US,
>> but was unsure if they would be in the UK by Christmas. If Dell does
>> launch the PCs, they are likely to be higher-end machines aimed at
>> experts, because loading an operating system - and all the drivers - is
>> the domain of technically confident users.......'
> It is worth relating the above to the Mandrake machines that Dell
> apparently sell in Europe, maybe France? This was announced in the
> Mamdrake/riva site some days ago.
In Brazil they've been selling the cheapest Dimension model with FreeDOS
for some time.