__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Saturday 01 April 2006 08:31 \__
> begin oe_protect.scr
> Roy Culley <rgc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> begin risky.vbs
>> <1824269.4ZjVmDVLvf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| "Well, I wouldn't say that [these comments are] noise, [but] it's
>>>| actually less than they've said in the past," said Daniel B.
>>>| Ravicher, executive director of the Public Patent Foundation.
>>> `----
>>> http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1944762,00.asp
>> I have no doubt MS will resort to using patents against OSS regardless
>> of what Erik the weasel says. It will be a last resort attempt to stop
>> the widespread adoption of OSS. It will also be the biggest mistake
>> they ever make when the likes of IBM hit them with patent infringements.
> I agree that they will, and I agree that the response will be
> phenomenal, it's a "MAD" situation. Any sensible shareholder would be
> looking to remove the board at that point.
This will be an open admittance that Open Source is bound to kill Microsoft
(among other software vendors).
>> It will be a futile act of desperation of course.
> Probably their last.
Hell no. The last act involves a frantic Ballmer throwing chairs off the
Empire State Building. Kind of like Donkey Kong.
Best wishes,
Roy S. Schestowitz | "Stand for nothing and you will fall for anything"
http://Schestowitz.com | SuSE Linux ¦ PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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