__/ [ peachey13 ] on Sunday 02 April 2006 05:23 \__
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> http://www.openoffice.org/
>> It says so in the front page, so it must be right.
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | For an undisclosed sum reputed to be in the billions, Microsoft's Bill
>> | Gates has personally bought the leading open-source desktop project.
>> | Saying he "was sick and tired of open-source eating away at his
>> | profits," the world's richest man decided to put an end to the nuisance
>> | and simply buy OpenOffice.org. It will form part of a growing list of
>> | Microsoft acquisitions, including several erstwhile competitors, a
>> | considerable number of prominent politicians, and a few small
>> | governments.
>> `----
> You have been apriled fooled
I think not! *smile*
Best wishes,
Roy S. Schestowitz | Play Reversi: http://othellomaster.com
http://Schestowitz.com | SuSE Linux ¦ PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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