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Re: [article] Google increases US search share

__/ [ Paul B ] on Sunday 02 April 2006 11:37 \__

> On Sun, 02 Apr 2006 11:09:43 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>__/ [ Paul B ] on Sunday 02 April 2006 10:50 \__
>>> From : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/4857764.stm
>>> More than four out of 10 web searches conducted in the US are now done
>>> using the Google search engine, figures show.
>>> Google's share rose to 42% in February, up 6% on the same month in
>>> 2005, while rival Yahoo saw a 4% drop to 27%, according to tracking
>>> firm ComScore.
>>> Usage of MSN's search engine fell by 3% to 13% said ComScore, while
>>> Ask had a 1% rise to 6%.
>>Ask  have  actually got some decent results. The last time I checked  (via
>>the  Big.com  front end), they seemed to have been better than  Yahoo  and
>>MSN.  I haven't check this thoroughly though, so this assessment is impul-
> I have never liked Ask.
> I only went there to find out if Jeeves was gay, but they fixed that
> now.- and I liked the keyhole they had, but again, they got rid of it.

It is Google who have Keyhole now...


>>MSN are terrible in terms of relevance and resistance to 'noise' and noth-
>>ing comes close to Google, whom I believe rely on clickthroughs (usage) to
>>refine  their SERP's. In that respect, Google seem unstoppable. They  gain
>>momentum  with  increased use. It's one more example of this 'trap'  where
>>high  usage leads to an avalanche of success, which makes it hard for com-
>>petitors to take the rebound.
> Thing is, who is to blame for all that ?

The government! *bottle of beer drops*

>>Best wishes,


Whoops! It's a good thing I didn't include a surname.

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Proprietary cripples communication
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