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Re: Like Linux and Webshots

__/ [ DM McGowan II ] on Friday 28 April 2006 05:51 \__

> (1) Download and install with wine.
> (2) Download a picture from Webshots..
> (3) Create this script to make Webshots install the downloaded picture:
> #! /bin/bash
> wine /home/<user_id>/.wine/fake_windows/Program\
> Files/Webshots/Launcher.exe $1
> (Note: files will end with .wbz)
> (4) Pick a picture and set as your desktop background.
> (5) The picture that you set as your desktop picture will be here:
> "/home/<user_id>/.wine/fake_windows/windows/profiles/<user_id>/Application
> Data/Webshots/The Webshots Desktop/Webshots Wallpaper.bmp"
> This technique lets you manage your desktop backgrounds using the Webshots
> software.

I don't mean to step on your toes, but what is wrong with management of
wallpapers (desktop background) in the rudimentary desktop environment?
KDE's handling of wallpapers, for example, is very powerful. If you see a
Webshots image that you like, you can just drag and drop it from Konqeror
onto some empty space in your Desktop and then select "Set as Background"
from the pop-up menu. You can do far beyong this, too.

Best wishes,

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    $> apt-get -not windows
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