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Re: Why Linux + Java

__/ [ asj ] on Wednesday 26 April 2006 03:13 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Am I right to think that JBOSS were acquired by Red Hat around Easter? If
>> so, this could become interesting. I think that Oracle had an interest in
>> JBOSS as well. Sorry for any wrong assumptions I might make here. I lost
>> touch with the news for over a fornight.
> Red Hat acquired JBOSS just a few weeks ago, yes. Ironically, the guy
> in charge of JBOSS is an insufferable French guy who actually had
> insulted Red Hat last year by saying the company had no innate product
> of its own - the irony.
>> How come I don't like Apple?
> I'm writing this on a mac (macs are very java-friendly, but i have
> linux, windows desktop boxes too). I don't like Steve Jobs, he's a
> freaking a*hole, but you gotta admit the mac is very easy to use and
> good looking to the eyes.

I was thinking along the lines of DRM and the adoption of terms like Podcast,
among other things.

> I think Linux desktops have to learn from the mac when it comes to ease
> of use and pleasing graphics.

I fully agree. Mind you, KDE and GNOME can be tweaked to look and behave like
Tiger/Jaguar. For legal concerns, they cannot come in this form 'out of the

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "This sig seemed like a good idea at the time..."
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