On Sat, 04 Feb 2006 04:57:21 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [Test] on Thursday 02 February 2006 18:32 \__
>> On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 13:10:55 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [Aragorn] on Thursday 02 February 2006 12:13 \__
>>>> On Thursday 02 February 2006 08:54, Jan Schubert stood up and spoke the
>>>> following words to the masses in /alt.os.linux.gentoo...:/
>>>>> For some time the startup of the acrobat readers takes ages to come
>>>>> up. Any hints in here?
>>>> Hard to tell... It's proprietary software. ;-)
>>>> Why not use a Free & Open Source Software alternative? /xpdf,/ /kpdf?/
>>>> ;-)
>>> Same opinion here. It was long ago that I set Acrobat Reader to be the
>>> secondary application (accessible from the context mane if needed) while
>>> KGhostView is the default viewer in Konqueror (and Firefox too). It takes
>>> just a couple of seconds to open documents, even without that initial,
>>> first launch (unlike Adobe's resource beast). Speaking of which, it is
>>> also more responsive, it works neatly and seamlessly over FTP (I often
>>> generate PDF's remotely) and leaves more memory available.
>>> Roy
>> I gave up on acroreader due to it's startup times, potential security
>> holes (it can run javascript, background downloads without telling you)
>> and its bloated features set. Instead I've standardized on gv and
>> ghostview because of the nice look of gv in any window manager and it's
>> far smaller footprint as it doesn't include any gnome/kde dependencies.
> In relation to your first point,
> http://www.adobe.com/support/techdocs/321644.html
> http://secunia.com/advisories/16466
> Version 5 of Acrobat Reader was the only choice for quite a few years and it
> compromised the computer, potentially making hijacking a possibility.
> Acrobat Reader is proof of the statement that bloatware does not do the job.
> It only devours time in vain.
> Roy
That was one of the reasons I gave up on using acroreader entirely
especially since I discovered gv, which works quite nicely as my default
pdf reader in fluxbox.