begin oe_protect.scr
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [Mark Kent] on Thursday 09 February 2006 16:29 \__
>> begin oe_protect.scr
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> __/ [Au79] on Wednesday 08 February 2006 06:07 \__
>>> It's been reincluded already. You're might be syndicating an old news
>>> channel. Same with , which got warned in advance and never
>>> suffered the damaging PR (both PageRank and Public Relations) blow.
>> Shouldn't google be fixing their search engine, rather than trying to do
>> this kind of thing?
> It can never come to an end. Even if Google parsed, ran, and analysed
> JavaScript for known patterns, SEO experts would pull out a new trick out of
> their sleeve. I write about a dozen posts/day to the SEO newsgroup, so I am
> aware many other tricks that exist to fooling search engines and. It is only
> a matter of /daring/.
> Organic content cannot easily be distinguished from meaningful content and
> the very fact that Google became the shopper's reference drives businesses
> embrace whatever dirty technique they can afford without penalties. It often
> becomes like a game that involves 5-year-olds, where one company tops
> another in the search results owing to questionable practices. In turn, its
> competition will follow suit and the rock starts rolling down the hill until
> Google gets bad reputation for tolerating content spam. Then it takes
> action, which deters other companies.
> BMW and Ricoh were the scapegoats. Mind you, Microsoft uses the exact same
> tricks:
> Microsoft have a whole bunch of imo low quality doorway pages that redirect
> and have stuffed keywords randomly into unrelated paragraphs. Either a. they
> have Googles permission or b. They are extracting the urine (taking the
> p***).
> Their pages break at least 2 of googles guidelines (doorway pages with
> redirects, stuffed keywords ...).
> Do a search for "Broadcast automation India", "Hosting management Australia"
> or "Education software Asia". Right at the top (at least from my german ip)
> You will find pages such as
> Check out that page with javascript turned off :shock:
> At the top of each page they have as graphic text (to help with keyword
> density no doubt) the following...
> "This site has been designed to help our visitors finding directly the
> information, product or service they searching in our websites"
> That translates into english to... "This page is a doorway page specifically
> designed for search engines"
> My 2 cents.
I've no doubt that this is all quite true, and I'm entirely unsurprised.
But, as you say, it's not going to end, is it? And do you think that
banishing BMW for a while will make any difference? I don't.
| Mark Kent -- mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk |
Knocked, you weren't in.
-- Opportunity