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Re: Just got a pagerank!

  • Subject: Re: Just got a pagerank!
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 03:59:23 +0000
  • Newsgroups: alt.internet.search-engines
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <1140559082.684533.29230@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> <1140573182.305170.322590@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> <dtgl3k$qtu$1@newsg4.svr.pol.co.uk>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [ Andrew Heenan ] on Wednesday 22 February 2006 03:17 \__

> "seo101"  wrote  ...
>> the update started 4 days ago...
> ... but it hasn't finished yet!

I agree. Not at all consistent across datacentres yet...

> Two out of three of my newer sites are consistently showing a healthy
> number, the other is still varying beteen 0 and 4 (go figure!). Another
> site, which suffered severe re-organization, has yet to settle down.
> Interestingly, my newest site, two months old or thereabouts, still shows
> zilch - despite being very similar (except in content), to another which
> won a healthy 3 (only a month older).

If it's of any relevance, I registered a domain in October. I expected it to
inherit a PageRank 4, but the subsequent update 'did not take'. It possibly
takes a few months for updates to be considered, at least for new sites.
PageRank is finally being updated for that site, only 5 months down the

> So I'm betting these figures are already a couple of months out of date, as
> usual.

Yes, it can be a misrepresentation unless you point out (in the main page)
the freshness of the site, assuming visitors understand the way TBPR updates

> And, also as usual, these figures really count for little - mine were doing
> well in the serps weeks ago, and that has not changed.

Hope this contributes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |   Useless fact: Women blink twice as much as men
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