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Re: Dissatisfied Customer's Message to Bill Gates:

__/ [Peter Köhlmann] on Tuesday 21 February 2006 07:48 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [Peter Köhlmann] on Tuesday 21 February 2006 06:36 \__
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> < snip >
>>>> As somebody who supports Windows users as well, I often find myself
>>>> directing people to Microsoft for their trouble. If the attitude towards
>>>> Linux users is "they know what they are doing and can support
>>>> themselves", I shall embrace the same attitude when an inexcusable
>>>> deficiency or error arises in Windows. Guess what? Some of the
>>>> well-educated people can sympathise and sooner or later realise the
>>>> flaws in their O/S (installation of software and hardware included) is
>>>> not something they should blindly accept. There /are/ alternatives.
>>> You are aware that this was another flatfish troll posted across dozens
>>> of newsgroups?
>>> It is just another attempt to get some "discussion" going where he can
>>> jump right in
>> Which groups? I am subscribed to many which are relevant, but haven't seen
>> it elsewhere. Shoot... so it /is/ pink meat /after all/...
> cola (naturally)
> alt.comp.os.windows-xp
> alt.computer
> alt.is.bill.gates.satan
> alt.fan.bill-gates
> alt.bill-gates.kind.benificent.loving.big-brother
> av.computer
> alt.comp.microsoft.office
> microsoft.windows
> alt.games.microsoft.input-devices
> microsoft.windows.crash.crash.crash
> alt.conspiracy.microsoft
> alt.online-service.microsoft
> microsoft.public
> alt.comp.microsoft.new-products
> alt.comp.microsoft.windows
> alt.news.microsoft
> comp.os.ms-windows.advocacy
> comp.archives.ms-windows.discuss
> alt.microsoft.sucks
> comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.misc
> microsoft.public.about
> The disparate selection of groups alone is telling
> Add to that the sheer amount of groups.
> Throw in the topic and the wording of the post
> Bingo - we found another flatfish troll

...Seems as though the OP grepped "windows", "gates" and "microsoft". Maybe
(s)he simply had them listed off the local news server. I am subsribed to no
such groups, fortunately. I avoid stirring up the hornet's nest.


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Coffee makes mw to0 jittery
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