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Re: Navigation Menu

__/ [ Tony Wainwright ] on Wednesday 22 February 2006 10:29 \__

> Hi
> I have seen on numerous websites a navigation menu, where you click a
> link which expands and shows related links underneath as in
> - Main Topic 1
>        Subtopic
>        Subtopic
> + Main Topic 2
> + Main Topic 3
> I am quite new to web programming but would like to be able to include
> something like this in a site I am
> creating. I have been told that this is possible using a stylesheet
> Tia
> Tony

I am fairly sure that you will need JavaScript to incorporate anything that
involves unfolding through mouseclicks (events). You otherwise have to
reload the entire page and serve different content that includes the
submenus. See example at: http://woodstock.mcc.ac.uk/

Hope it helps,


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