In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:16:51 +0000
> __/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Tuesday 21 February 2006 19:00 \__
>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
>> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote
>> on Tue, 21 Feb 2006 17:51:04 +0000
>> <dtfk0t$1q6u$3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> Behold the shame.
>> Remember when "bad press was better than no press at all"? :-)
>> I'm not so sure of that anymore...
>> I like the phrasing:
>> "Video and text output has encountered a problem and needs to close.
>> We are sorry for the inconvenience."
>> Since when is 'video and text output' a program name such as Explorer?
>> Bizarre linguistics; they could have at least put it in quotes or
>> something, or called it a service:
>> "The video and text output service has encountered ..."
>> But never mind that; this is from the OS that gives wonderful
>> diagnostics messages such as:
>> C:\> cd c:\blahblah\duh
>> The system cannot find the path specified.
>> (this is OK but makes the system look a tad incompetent)
[snip rest for brevity]
>> Now, granted, Linux isn't perfect ("no such file *or* directory"?), but
>> it seems to be a little clearer in the error messages category than
>> a certain other offering. I've also not included symbolic links
>> (mostly because NT/2k doesn't have such; they're '.LNK' files and
>> processed by Explorer, not the file system).
>> And of course having a crash message splayed all over an electronic
>> billboard is going to be grist for the humor mill. But I have seen
>> an Amiga GURU and at one point an Amiga CLI on a cable channel;
>> these things do happen.
> Nice test run. It was nice to get a reminder of how MS-DOS responds to
> errorenous commands. Here is one from the GUI front:
> A rant that come from a Micro$hafter, by the way.
Deep, that one. :-)
I'm not sure what's happened to it or even the exact wording, but
there used to be a rather longish error message from DOS that
left me totally confused as to whether it was trying to create
a file, a directory, accessing a file or directory, or just ran
out of a resource.
(It's a pity the Interface Hall of Shame went dark.
They had quite a few of these. A more modern one is
available at,
though most of the examples appear to be ad hoc
contrivances, which is fine as long as it's clear what
they're showing. There is also a copy available at, so it lives
on, although the examples by now are probably quite dated,
though the dialogs for Windows have not changed all that
much since 95 -- fortunately they at least are resizable
now. Also, some of the images appear to be incorrectly linked.)
#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
It's still legal to go .sigless.