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Re: [OT] Ping John - Odd Comment Spam

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> __/ [ John Bokma ] on Wednesday 22 February 2006 18:52 \__

>> Want to do the trip again someday, but probably spread over a week.
>> 30 hrs in a bus out of 36 is not really something I recommend.
> The most frustrating thing is that any attempt to work in the bus
> leads to nusea. It's hard to avoid boredom.

There are movies, and if I am lucky, subtitles :-D. Bus is quite ok, but I 
can't read (nausea)

>> But I *did* manage to find a scorpion :-p
> I noticed quite an elegant bug in the last photo. Did you grab it for
> the 'office'? You know... to save on crickets?

LOL. No. Technically collecting food for pets in the wild has some risk 
(food can have a disease, etc). So I try to breed my own crickets, which 
is very slow (maybe a heat source does speed things up). In the mean time, 
I buy them mostly.

>>> that you missed nothing major unless PageRank updates
>> Still the good old 7 (and 6) :-( (or :-D since)
> Does that make your site 64 times as popular as mine. Assuming a
> logarithmic scale?

Maybe just 64 times more luck :-D.

John      Perl programmer: http://johnbokma.com/perl/perlprogrammer.html


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