__/ [ Who Turned Off The Lights? ] on Thursday 23 February 2006 06:58 \__
> On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 22:40:12 -0800, Ed Jay wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz scribed:
>>>That's the key point. Yahoo and MSN have gone dishonourable things is
>>>China as well. Google are in fact better in my eyes as far as US politics
>>>are concerned. Unlike AOL, Yahoo and MSN, they continue to snub the JoS
>>>and refuse to hand over logs.
>> Heh! Yahoo turned over an individual's ID to the Chinese.
> Supposedly it may have been twice that this has happened with Yahoo being
> the direct or indirect cause (via Alibaba.com in Shanghai).
> According to one NJ representative,
> <quote>
> "It's like turning Anne Frank over to the Nazis,"
> </quote>
The difference being: Anne Frank didn't ask for any trouble, neither directly
or even more subtly.
Roy S. Schestowitz
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