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Re: $100 Linux Laptop: 150 Million Units per Year

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ 7 ] on Saturday 25 February 2006 15:42 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [ 7 ] on Saturday 25 February 2006 00:24 \__
>>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4292854.stm
>>>>> "Professor Negroponte predicts there could be 100 million to 150
>>>>> million shipped every year by 2007."
>>>>> Could this be realistic?
>>>> I don't know what this raving nut and MIT professor could possibly
>>>> be trying to do.
>>>> The $150 complete PC with 15" monitor is already available
>>>> commercially shipping with Linux.
>>>> Ok $50 is 50% more than $100, but it is still a full blown PC
>>>> and it doesn't require committment of the order of 150 million
>>>> crippled laptops to be manufactured.
>>>> Its far better to spend some money on commercial off the shelf
>>>> PCs to bring its price down through volume purchasing
>>>> and subsidies than committing to crippled laptops surely?
>>> * Not everyone in the world has a desk.
>>> * Not everyone has electricity readily available.
>>> * Durability of the unit is a crucial factor too.
>>> A $150 complete PC with 15" monitor is already available commercially
>>> shipping with Linux (including tax I presume)? Show me!! *smile*
>>> Roy
>> Old news..
>> Just google for India / 10,000 rupee computer.
>> It uses the mercury / kobian EPIA mboard that comes with the VIA CPU.
>> I have the same mboard from www.techfever.co.uk
>> booting off of USB sticks, AND SD card + MMC card (with appropriate card
>> reader - not all readers do that properly).
>> Since the news went public these mboards are like gold dust now!!!
> I read about it back in August:
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/4735927.stm
> I also blogged about it immediately. I never realised it had transcended
> the borders of India and reached the UK. Intersting! This could have more
> impact than eSys offerings.
> Roy

The best part is that they run flawlessly with knoppix DVD,
SuSE 10.1, Fedora Core 4 full install and Mepis. All these can be installed
simultaneously into the machine to give the widest possible range of
experiences for students. Knoppix and Fedora come with the full suite
of developer tools. I installed Gambas into Knoppix and made that
PC into RAD workstation. Of course these things come with Open Office 2.0
and the Base db package. In all, its a massively powerful
developer, educational and work environment for such a tiny price.

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