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Re: [Multiposted] Partitioning Plan

__/ [ Sunday ] on Sunday 26 February 2006 06:40 \__

> Linux newbie here. I plan to install Mandriva 2006; I have all 3 CD's.
> I wish to run a dual-boot system with Windows ME.
> Intended use : 1 user; normal desktop; minimal (if any) games; no
> programming; no server; KDE preferred; MP3 downloads & play; general
> internet surfing.
> Currently (pre-Mandriva), my 40 Gb hard-disk is split into 2 partitions
> (both FAT32), like this -
> C: (5Gb) ---- D: (35Gb)
> (I run a very compact ME installation).
> I'm thinking of using the Windows program 'Partition Magic' to grab some
> space (8 Gb) from D: and create/format a new Linux partition(s) between C:
> & D:, above, prior to the Mandriva installation, and I'll use the "Use
> Existing Partitions" choice during the install. Can someone comment on the
> advisability of this partitioning plan? -
> Windows C: (hda1 - 5 Gb) ---
> /swap (hda5 - 512 Mb) ---
> / (hda6 - 5 Gb) ---
> /home (hda7 - 2.5 Gb) ---
> Windows D: (hda8 - 27 Gb)
> I've read about others having /boot, and /usr partitions (etc) too. Do you
> suggest I think of making them as well? Are the sizes I've assigned to the
> ones I've got OK? Is what I plan to do OK?! I'm open to any
> other/alternative suggestions.


I imagine you did not do this out of selfishness, but in the future, please
abstain from multi-posting. You are duplicating people's effort by going
down this route. I wrote a detailed reply to you in uk.tcomp.o.linux, only
to reveal later on that you have received more than enough guidance.

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