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Re: invisible gif and PR

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> __/ [ T.J. ] on Saturday 25 February 2006 18:21 \__
>> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:dtpt18$10au$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> __/ [ David Dorward ] on Saturday 25 February 2006 11:29 \__
>>>> admin@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>>> I had the idea of putting small transparent (invisible) gif images on
>>>>> my best PR4 site with links to my other sites so that google indexes
>>>>> them.
>>> Yes. Any invisible element is perceived as a sin -- either keyword
>>> stuffing
>>> or hidden links. Text is easiest to detect based on colour values, from
>>> which contrast can be inferred.
>>> Google have algorithm for detecting this. Hidden image-based links can 
>>> one
>>> day be discovered and reported by your competitor(s).
>>>> Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. A good rule of
>>>> thumb is whether you'd feel comfortable explaining what you've done to 
>>>> a
>>>> website that competes with you. Another useful test is to ask, "Does 
>>>> this
>>>> help my users? Would I do this if search engines didn't exist?"
>>> *smile* Yes, that's the way I often explain this. Detraction and
>>> distractions
>>> as opposed to contribution.
>> I had an idea for a game last year where you have a hidden 4 x 4
>> image on a page that links through to another page, and
>> then from that page another image to another page and so on.
>> I set about 10 pages up on different sites but never got around
>> to finishing it. :o(
>> What I did notice is all the pages got picked up by Google
>> via the images but they don't appear to have been crawled a 2nd time
>> It almost looks as though Google was aware that a hidden image was
>> used to create the link.
>> Example here     www . spotthedot.co.uk
>> The start page is cached from Feb 16th, but if you follow
>> the trail you will see all the other pages have a cache from
>> the first week in August.
>> I ought to get around to finishing it one day, but is there a
>> possibility the sites could get penalised for something like this?
> Yes. You are putting your site(s) in jeopardy, but it would be very 
> difficult
> to detect this. One could do a backlink search and notice one your site
> links for SEO purpose, not for users (like a 1x1-pixels slot in the
> million-dollar homepage). I can find a relevant link...
> The nearest match I could find is this:
> http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/seo-mistakes-nearly-hidden-text/
> Best wishes,
> Roy

Yes, but the hidden links aren't there for SEO purposes,
they are there for a game (and a bit of marketing) and in fact
are clearly visible.

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