__/ [ Apostolos P. Tsompanopoulos ] on Sunday 26 February 2006 17:34 \__
> On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 at 16:17 GMT, Ignoramus20905 wrote:
>> I am a little bit pissed. I installed edubuntu for my 4.5 year old
>> son, and discovered that it does not have a working gcc! WTF!
Of course not. It's Ubuntu. It's a family distribution, so compilation of
kernels are not part of the deal. When I set up Ubuntu, I just needed to
choose GCC from Synaptic (see "Package Manager", don't resort to the
command-line). All subsequent compilations ought to work fine. If not, try
to get a packaged installation of MPlayer rather than the source code.
>> (I am trying to install mplayer)
>> I did install gcc with apt-get install gcc-3.4, or some such, but it
>> seems to lack important stuff.
>> When I am compiling mplayer MPlayer-1.0pre7try2, it complains during
>> ./configure that:
>> Checking for bitypes.h (inttypes.h predecessor) ...
>> Error: Cannot find header either inttypes.h or bitypes.h (see
>> DOCS/HTML/en/faq.html).
>> Check "configure.log" if you do not understand why it failed.
>> the log file says that sys/bitypes.h was not found. Where does this
>> file come from and how can I properly get it?
Don't bother complicating matters by chasing pertinent components of the
package. Try to step back and get MPlayer using other methods. You could
also get one of the many other media players, which are equally good and use
the same codebase for handling of codecs.
>> The whole /usr/include/sys directory is missing on my install, whereas
>> it is present on fedora core. Any idea how to find what I am missing?
> In my Mandrake system these files belong to 'glibc-devel' package. I
> don't know if *ubuntu distributions have the same name package but
> you can try apt-get it.
> Apostolos
*smile* What does the 4-year-old son need MPlayer for anyway? Teach him to
Lynx the Web and put an end to exposure to violence and kissy wissy.
With friendly regards,