On Sun, 26 Feb 2006 17:29:02 +0000
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> opined:
> __/ [ igotnotime@xxxxxxxxx ] on Sunday 26 February 2006 15:01 \__
> __/ [ David Cary Hart ] on Sunday 26 February 2006 15:56 \__
> > On 26 Feb 2006 07:01:24 -0800
> > "igotnotime@xxxxxxxxx" <igotnotime@xxxxxxxxx> opined:
> >> We are having major issues with our Include scripts, but only through
> >> traffic spikes. We initially thought it was Include directory related,
> >> we played with that for several days and finally got the proper
> >> directory set. During a 3-4 hour daily high traffic spike our Include
> >> no longer works. We get an error that reads:
> >>
> > Try caching with something like eAccelerator (which is what we use).
> > Really speeds up things like squirrel or phpBB.
> In WordPress, memchace which is an Open Source and GPL'd PHP implementation,
> is getting used to speed things up tremendously.
> http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-November/003122.html
> As always, this depends on the nature of your content. If similar content is
> delivered to many visitors, then it's worth investing in the incorporation
> of cache on server memory (as opposed to disk cache) It speeds thing out if
> your front page, for example, is largely immutable and only needs refreshing
> once in a thousand visits.
eAccelerator increases performance of PHP scripts by caching them
in compiled state, so that the overhead of compiling is almost
completely eliminated.
This works particularly well with php includes like headers and
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