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Re: Linux Advocacy (was: Opinions on new PDA please)

__/ [ Martin ] on Monday 27 February 2006 19:10 \__

> <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:t8vbd3-cp5.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Martin <nospam@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:1rhbd3-1d5.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Flunkett Clogwheel <plunket@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> "Martin" <nospam@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>>> news:dtsr7e$17g$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> "How popular would a car be if it couldn't use normal petrol form an
>>>>> ordinary
>>>>> garage? Would you buy one? A car nerd might....."
>>>>> A linux nerd may well own a sinclair C5.......... So you have a very
>>>>> valid
>>>>> point.....
>>>> I suspect the C5 would have been a rather better investment than a
>>>> normal petrol car of it's day. There's one on ebay for 900 quid at the
>>>> moment.
>>>> Martin and Flunkett really should get out more though. If you pop into
>>>> almost any "petrol" station these days you'll find people filling cars
>>>> tanks with stuff called diesel these cars seem to be getting more rather
>>>> than less common as are cars that run on lpg.
>>> Er, don't think I mentioned Diesel did I?
>> No you didn't that's why I pointed it out.
>>> However, if you run your car on
>>> say Vegetable oil, just how many garages sell that? Vegetable oil is the
>>> motoring equal of Linux. Nice idea but apart from a few cranks it will
>>> never
>>> catch on.
>> Practically all of them it's usually inside in litre plastic bottles. It
>> costs rather more than the stuff in the pumps but it works quite happily
>> in a diesel engine.
>> You really should get out more.
>> As an aside there's a fascinating set of pages somewhere on the net
>> about running diesels on used chip oil.
>>> Martin
> I get out plenty thank you. Why don't you give up? No one wants to use
> Linux, OK Get over it and move on. By the way how many garages sell
> vegetable oil by the gallon then? Oh and you still have to pay tax on it.
> You're missing the point. Linux is for a small minority that enjoy fucking
> around with their computers rather than using them. YOU might take great
> pleasure (presumably because you're a Billy no mates) sitting around and
> spending all day getting something to work with Linux, but I don't.

Steady on, Martin. It's a typical reaction. You could not figure out how to
operate Linux, so you took the easy way out. Blame the product rather than
insult your own intelligent and demote your ego.

With all due respect, if you are not willing to give anything a chance, you
will one day be among the few seniors who still use Netscape 4 or DOS. They
truly say it does everything they need to do. Stand for nothing and you will
fall for anything. Antagonise change and you'll be missing out on new(er)
and exciting technologies.

See the following, which is visual and succinct:


Best wishes,


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