__/ [ Wolf Kirchmeir ] on Tuesday 28 February 2006 04:05 \__
> Terry Liittschwager wrote:
>> Never getting to actually talk to another Linux user let alone one using
>> SUSE. It occurs to me that I don't know what the preferred pronunciation
>> is.
>> I've been saying (in talking to my wife):
>> soo say
>> But then I suppose it could be one of:
>> soo suh
>> suh say
>> soos
>> or others.
>> So, would anyone care to enlighten me?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Terry Liittschwager
> In English, I say it as if spelled Suzy. If I were speaking German, I
> would say soo-zay.
> There is nothing wrong with adapting the sounds of a foreign word (or
> acronym) to the sounds of your own language.
Pree-vacy vs. Privacy
Is-sue vs. Issue
Cont^roversy vs. Contro^versy
Ough-buntu vs. You-buntu
Houghi bothered to even have sound files in his Web site to shed some light
on the pronunciation of his own name.