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Re: Lower Saxony Moves 12,000 Computers to Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Tax authorities in Lower Saxony switch to Linux
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | According to a press release, 12,000 computers are affected. Since the
> | end of April, all tax authorities have been involved in migration. By the
> | end of September 2006, the desktop systems are all to be running on
> | Linux except for telecommuters and servers.
> `----
>                         http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/73772


They plan on migrating. What a joke. Let us know how this PLAN turns
out. If it ever finishs that is.

I plan to shag Jessica Simpson. I figure my chances of that happening
are better than this lintard migration atempt.

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