On 2006-06-02, Bruno Mallie <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Multi Distro is Linux times 9 on a single CD-R
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Multi Distro includes nine live CD Linux distributions in one ISO file
>> | that you can burn to a single disc. It uses the GRUB boot loader to
>> | present the user with a main menu from which they can choose which
>> | distro they want to run. By showing you how to make your own live CD
>> | composed of multiple live CD distros, Multi Distro packs a big punch.
>> `----
>> http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/05/22/1353239
> Expect to find this crap at your local Kmart right next to the 500
> shareware games for $4.99 CD.
Where have you been? Redhat started out that way at Microcenter.
...as if the ability to run Cubase ever made or broke a platform.
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