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Re: Microsoft Employees Choose Google

__/ [ Darren Tipton ] on Saturday 03 June 2006 17:13 \__

> On Sat, 03 Jun 2006 10:47:02 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Do you have a tool to translate (mass reverse DNS) logs? All I could come
>>up for April was this:
> Roy, try http://www.clasohm.com/lookupip/
> Or http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/network/qdns.htm
> Both with take your log file and convert the IP's to Domains.

Thanks a lot, Darren. I tried wine'ing both of them (the former with the
source code is Microsoft 'C++'), but to no avail. I have a very old version
of wine.

Many thanks anyway,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows O/S: chmod a-x internet; kill -9 internet
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