Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Geoffrey Clements ] on Saturday 03 June 2006 20:49 \__
>> Geranium wrote:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> __/ [ Geranium ] on Saturday 03 June 2006 13:18 \__
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> Where is the clipboard content and the clipboard content history
>>>>> stored?
>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | roy@BAINE:~> find . | grep klipper
>>>> | ./.kde/share/config/klipperrc
>>>> `----
>>>> I have looked inside. I see the contents of Klipper therein.
>>>> Hope it helps,
>>>> Roy
>>> Hm, i cannot find the klipper content in that file in my computer.
>>> Strange.
>> Same here however the files under ~/.kde/share/apps/klipper called
>> history.lst and history2.lst look like candidates (they're binary :-().
>> However, looking at the contents of klipper on the panel I can't find
>> these
>> contents in those files. In fact I grepped the ~/.kde directory
>> hierarchy for some matching phrases and still found nothing ... strange.
> I use KDE 3.1 over here, in case it matters. I haven't checked to ensure
> that the clipboard stack in _its entirety_ was contained in the settings
> file, but it looked convincing enough.
Hello Roy,
I've just gone to kde 3.5.2 as it went stable on Gentoo last week, as 3.1
is /quite/ old maybe that explains the difference.
To the OP: out of curiosity, what version of KDE are you using?
Geoff Registered Linux user 196308
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