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Re: COLA Stats 4 June 2006

__/ [ GreyCloud ] on Monday 05 June 2006 06:33 \__

> Chirag Shukla wrote:
>>>   5. Ewik 'the Weasel' Funkenbusch [4]                 79  111170    51%
>>>   6. flatfish - TROLL / THIEF / LIAR / RACIST          68   68465    54%
>>>      DooFuS - LIAR / WINTROLL / RACIST                 38   49153    61%
>>>  17. billwg - WINTROLL / LIAR LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!        35   76954    68%
>>>  26. Flatfish Nyms - TROLL / THIEF / LIAR / RACIST     28   34394    61%
>>>      linux-sux - WINTROLL                              23   28658    77%
>> Leaving off the aliases or person opinion in Statistics would help.

These labels make the group seem immature, hostile and unprofessional.

> Agreed.  That's why I only read this forum once in a blue moon.
> The other Roy manages to post some news about Linux now and then, but
> not much advocacy goes on.  The best form of advocacy is to have someone
> post some neat ways of getting things done from time to time... sort of
> like a 'Tip of the Day'.  One can learn from that method.


If you look at a recent subsample of threads, you will see that the
most-replied to [News] items involve Microsoft in one way of another. I can
think of an explanation, but it's not something that will change.

I often think about posting pure Linux material, but I don't think it will
have any takers. For that reason, I just blog about it. There, for example,
is something I posted half an hour ago:


I don't know about COLA readers, but active COLA posters are unlikely to show
much interest in such item. I would love to be proven wrong/otherwise.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |   McDonald's Certified Sandwich Engineer (MCSE)
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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