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Re: The Open Source Car

__/ [ hanumizzle@xxxxxxxxx ] on Monday 05 June 2006 15:58 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> The Open Source Car - Unconventional Wisdom and Sustainability
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Of course a prodigious rate of innovation is required. Hitherto we
>> | have encouraged this through intellectual property rights, which
>> | harness the efforts of innovators, for the good of all, by granting
>> | a monopoly. But is this the best way? The example of Linux software
>> | would suggest not. The "Open Source" philosophy can incentivise a
>> | community to innovate for the good of all without restricting access
>> | to the output. The rate of progress is higher, the technology can
>> | spread more rapidly and the benefits are more equitably distributed.
>> `----
>>                 http://www.autoindustry.co.uk/articles/05-06-06
> ....now, compare that to this:
> http://www.zdnetasia.com/news/hardware/0,39042972,39130270,00.htm

*LOL* And the article even says which O/S is to blame...

Title: BMW glitch locks Thai minister in

,----[ Quote ]
| BMW has told CNETAsia that an electronic fault caused the problem,
| rather than a system crash of the car's Windows-based central computer,
| as other reports have speculated.

On the contrary (Linux with java in cars):


,----[ Description ]
| The Linux DashPC software platform began it's development in 1999.
| At present, it delivers multimedia (DVDs, MP3s, CDs, Radio,
| Navigation, Games, Engine Diagnostics, and Wireless Networking capability

PS - MSFT down another 0.6% so far in today's trading session. Downwards it
goes steadily.

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Useless fact: penguins are the greatest birds
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