__/ [ tonnie ] on Tuesday 06 June 2006 13:15 \__
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ tonnie ] on Tuesday 06 June 2006 10:18 \__
>>> cordial_camaraderie wrote:
>>>> I want to do mass mailing on a Informative Article, and Would like to
>>>> place a Overture PPC for a specific company in that field.. Is that
>>>> Possible
>>>> for Eg.
>>>> Article is about the Life Insurance and I want to place the add of
>>>> Genpact only (through Overture) can I do so ?
>>>> Please suggest, how can I do so ?
>>>> ...
>>>> Search Engine Marketing Solution http://www.semsols.com
>>> Send an email in plain text to your customers in which you have a link
>>> to the Article on your website.
>> With all due respect, I don't think that many customers will appreciate
>> it. In fact, a self-contained newsletter with an index at the top is far
>> better than them underlined hyperlinks that are associated with spam,
>> phishing, and unexpected site content (often perceived as shameless
>> self-promotion as well).
>> Just my 2 cents,
> Ah, and you think that html-mails are not associated with spam?
HTML? Never. *grin* Thunderbird would reduce *everything* to plain-text.
> A plain text email that tells people what to expect will be far better
> from my point of view and experience than an email with build in adverts
> will ever be.
Very true. I was thinking about low-volume, plain-text E-mail with an aptly
prepended label.
Best wishes,
Roy S. Schestowitz | "Stand for nothing and you will fall for anything"
http://Schestowitz.com | SuSE Linux ¦ PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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