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On 2006-06-07, Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
> __/ [ Mathew P. ] on Wednesday 07 June 2006 08:56 \__
>> On 2006-06-06, Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>> Students become more insecure as hackers go to colleges
>>> http://www.azcentral.com/business/articles/0605hackers05-ON.html
>>> Notice the ill use of the word "hackers". Also, the article does not
>>> mention "Windows" _even once_, e.g.:
>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>| In April, the University of Texas discovered illegal access to 197,000
>>>| Social Security numbers of students, alumni and employees. Ohio
>>>| University confirmed its third security breach since April, together
>>>| compromising 360,000 personal records and a number of patented data
>>>| and intellectual property files.
>>> `----
>>> These servers ran Windows and were pwned for _over a year_, without
>>> anybody realising it.
>> I believe you Roy, but I was just wondering how you knew that?
> One of the article I read mentioned that these were three (IIR-the number-C)
> Windows servers. If only mainstream media made this more evident...
> What, for instance, would you say about the tens of thousands of sites that
> were hijacked and refaced by a Turkish cracker? What about all these DDOS
> attacks? Or viruses? Or the phenomenal scale of SPAM? I am getting upset
> just talking about it, so I'll go get some breakfast now...
> Best wishes,
> Roy
Yes, the security holes are the size of super-tankers. I just wondered
about that particular incident.
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