On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 09:46:35 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ Roy Schestowitz ] on Wednesday 07 June 2006 09:39 \__
>> __/ [ Kier ] on Wednesday 07 June 2006 09:26 \__
>>> On Wed, 07 Jun 2006 08:24:42 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> Roy
>>>> PS - how can a post ever be complete without a Microsoft bash? How does a
>>>> Microsoft employee get his/her free excursion? Just sit on a chair,
>>>> holler "oink, oink" and when Ballmer comes around say that Google have
>>>> just hired you. The flight is free.
>> YMMV. *smile*
>>> Personally, I find the 'obligatory' MS bashing increasingly tedious and
>>> frequently totally unnecessary. I thought we were here to talk about
>>> Linux.
>> Microsoft's lobbying is intended to directly sabotage Linux adoption,
>> through litigious routes. I truly think this matter should be openly
>> discusses. Korea people should become aware of why, for example, not many
>> vendors ship
>> dual-boot machines, 'naked' PC's, or even install/prebundle Open Source
>> software.
> Addendum:
> Microsoft can be ignored, thereby painting a lovely picture for you to gaze
> at. But they will only continue to fool you. Don't just hide away from
> anything that you don't feel comfortable with. If you stand for nothing, you
> will fall for anything.
If that's aimed at me, Roy, you are barking up the wrong tree.
> I don't mind the next-door neighbour that lives over there idly and barely
> ever disturbs me (Apple or Sun, for example). When the neighbour minds my
> presence and steps on my lawn (e.g. SCO UNIX and Microsoft), then I'll grab
> the pitchfork and stand for my right to keep my garden safe. Microsoft play
> dirty. Microsoft _are_ a convicted monopolist. Just accept it.
I have never said otherwise. Feel free to show me anywhere where I have
denied it.
Very few businessess at such a level are squeaky-clean - it's the nature
of big business, unfortunately. MS just happens to be the biggest player.
A reduction in its size and dominating influence would certainly be
beneficial all round.